
How to Make a Web Scraper with AWS Lambda and the Serverless Framework?

  Before initiating with development, it is necessary to learn the below things: Node.js and modern JavaScript NPM The Document Object Model Basic Linux command line Basic donkey care The AWS idea is that Amazon provisioned and maintained all aspects of your application, from storage to processing power, in a cloud environment (i.e., on Amazon's computers), allowing you to design cloud hosting apps that grow automatically. You won't have to deal with setting up or managing servers because Amazon will take care of it. A Lambda function is a cloud-based function that may execute when it's needed and is triggered by signals or API requests. The use of a  serverless framework  is recommended to develop the Lambda function. Why Use Scraper? For instance, if you want to fetch the recipes which are posted on a particular website. Scraping this information from the website is possible. Step 1: Serverless Setup Read the  quick start guide  for the serverless framewo...

How BeautifulSoup is used to Web Scrape Movie Database?

You want to use machine learning to forecast what will be the next popular film. You try and attempt to locate clean data to develop a machine learning model, but you can't seem to find any. So, you decide to create your data. However, you are afraid to gather your information because you may not be familiar with HTML or web scraping. Beautiful Soup is a Python web scraping module that makes it simple to scrape HTML and XML files. The documentary on the library can be found here:  Documentation By following this lesson, you will obtain a considerable understanding of how to produce your data if you already know how to use Python. Steps for Web Scraping: Determine what data you want to extract from the website. Examine the page Beautiful Soup is a great place to start scraping. Target For scraping the database of Ghibli studio and look for characteristics that make a Ghibli movie better. On the first page: Title URL: for future web scraping Image Ranks Ratings Examining the page: Ri...

How Web Scraping is Used in Cryptocurrency Market Analysis?

The entire cryptocurrency business has been prospected and continues to flourish since the launch of cryptocurrency — Bitcoin in 2009. There have been approximately 4,000 altcoins (different cryptocurrencies to Bitcoin) launched too far. Furthermore, cryptocurrency is known for its high unpredictability. Maintaining an eye on the situation can be tough, especially for inexperienced investors. What is the Role of Web Scraping in Cryptocurrency Trading? Web scraping is most often used in e-commerce and marketing to track prices and generate leads. More investors are beginning to use technology in online banking these days. It streamlines the extraction of data from a variety of sources and stores the information in a structured format for any further study. For a thorough market study, extract historical crypto market data. For a thorough market study, extract historical crypto market data. As a professional trader, keep a close eye on crypto pricing to get a comprehensive view of the en...