How to Make a Web Scraper with AWS Lambda and the Serverless Framework?
Before initiating with development, it is necessary to learn the below things: Node.js and modern JavaScript NPM The Document Object Model Basic Linux command line Basic donkey care The AWS idea is that Amazon provisioned and maintained all aspects of your application, from storage to processing power, in a cloud environment (i.e., on Amazon's computers), allowing you to design cloud hosting apps that grow automatically. You won't have to deal with setting up or managing servers because Amazon will take care of it. A Lambda function is a cloud-based function that may execute when it's needed and is triggered by signals or API requests. The use of a serverless framework is recommended to develop the Lambda function. Why Use Scraper? For instance, if you want to fetch the recipes which are posted on a particular website. Scraping this information from the website is possible. Step 1: Serverless Setup Read the quick start guide for the serverless framewo...