How To Scrape Amazon Best Seller Products Using Python and Beautifulsoup?
Today, we will learn how to Scrape Amazon Best Seller products using Python and BeautifulSoup in a simple and attractive way. The objective of this blog is to assist you in starting solving real-world issues while making them as basic as possible so that you can understand and get practical results as soon as possible. So, initially, we must ensure that Python 3 is installed. If not, then you may just download Python 3 and install it before continuing. Installation You can install BeautifulSoup with: pip3 install beautifulsoup4 To acquire data, break it down to XML, and apply CSS selectors. We will also require library's requests, lxml, and soupsieve. Install them by following these steps: pip3 install requests soupsieve lxml After you've installed it, open a text editor and put in: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests Now visit the Amazon bestseller listing page and check the information that you can get: Code Now, let us get back to our scr...