
Showing posts from September, 2021

Scrapy and Selenium is used in Analyzing and Scraping News Articles

  Scraping Selenium got its start as a web testing tool. Someone, who has never done web testing previously, will find it entertaining to play with — as you will sit there watching your browser being possessed — no, programmatically commanded — to do all sorts of things while sipping coffee with both hands. Here is the script to get started: scrapy startproject [project name] cd [project name] scrapy genspider [spider name] The web driver must be located on the first level of the project folder, which is the same level as the “scrapy.cfg” file, which must be taken care of. CNN Without JavaScript, the search word would not even appear on CNN, and we would be presented with a blank page — This, on the other hand, demonstrates the pleasure (and problems) of JavaScript So, we'll need to replicate the process of transferring search requests (simply using the “search?q=” string in the URL would serve, but the following will show a more full method of running Selenium from the home page)...

The Fundamentals of Home Depot API Data

What is Home Depot Product API? With the use of Home Depot Product API, it is possible to gather various kinds of Product data. For instance, the product description will include price data, dimensions, reviews, and also information for related products. Home Depot also has pricing information and project recommendations on its website, which provide information on what customers value most in a product. By fetching the data from Home Depot Site, you'll have a better understanding of product differences and customer satisfaction variations. Consumers will benefit from having access to this information since it will assist them to make the best purchase possible. Home Depot data provides clarity for sellers about their products and also where they stand in the marketplace. Because so many people are familiar with and purchase from Home Depot, the product data accessible is ideal for comparison, as it is where many buyers begin their search. How to Collect Data from Home Depot API? D...

How to Scrape Amazon Stores for Generating Price Alerts?

  Initially, you will need a file named Tracker_PRODUCTS.csv with the links for the products you wish to check. After executing the run, the scraper will save the results in a different file known as “search_history_[date].xlsx. These are the files placed inside the search_history folder. For completing this task, we will require BeautifulSoup as our web scraping tool. If you need to install any of them, a simple script that includes a simple pip/conda install will do. There are various sources that will help, but usually, Python package Index will have it. Code import requests from glob import glob from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime from time import sleep # HEADERS = ({'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US, en;q=0.5'}) #...